Religious Education


Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could all live in harmony with each other? This is why we need Religious Education. It equips children with the knowledge, tolerance and respect needed to live peacefully alongside others and understand different views and experiences. As the citizens of the future, it is important that children see there is more than one way of life.

How we do RE at The Hyde

At The Hyde School, we value the religions and beliefs of all the children and staff and this encourages them to share their own experiences freely and with confidence. As part of our Urban Adventure Curriculum, our children visit places of worship as well as meet local religious leaders. Children are able to handle artefacts and take part in a wide range of workshops which help develop their understanding of all the major religions. We are lucky to have a diverse school community which means we can learn so much from each other. We hold many community events and invite parents to take part and at times even run them. We try to acknowledge major festivals, particularly those celebrated by our school community, with assemblies and events. We think it is important for our children to be given these opportunities as it makes them inquisitive and confident to ask questions about the world around them. Our aim is to support children in developing their knowledge of different religions and understanding of different worldviews.

How we deliver the curriculum

We follow the Early Years Framework and the Barnet Locally Agreed Syllabus as the foundation of our RE curriculum. Our youngest children begin by exploring RE through their own and others’ experiences and developing their understanding of the world.In KS1, RE is taught in themes such as Symbols, Special People, Celebrations, Special Books and Places. The children learn and explore how these themes are represented in the major religions. By learning in this way, the children are able to see not just the differences between ourselves but also the similarities. In KS2, we consolidate and build on this knowledge through work on Beliefs in Action, Religion and the Individual, Inspirational People, Worship, Religion, Family and the Community, Sacred Texts, Beliefs and Questions, Journey of Life and Death, Pilgrimages and Sacred Places.